
How To Fix Condensation In Iphone Camera

I learned this lesson the hard way, and it took me HOURS to get rid of all the condensation inside the FACE ID sensor and back cameras.

Apple says its modern iPhones are waterproof. But this really is non the example. I know this because I found out the hard style. Yesterday, information technology was 31 degrees in the Uk, a rarity, and so I was working out in my garden, enjoying the sun. I had my iPhone with me and, thanks to the blistering-hot dominicus, it started to overheat and moments later on it shut itself downwardly.

Panicked, I rushed inside, confident in the cognition that my iPhone XS Max was IP68 waterproof, and proceeded to run it under cold water, lightly coating the back and front portions of the phone. Moments later the iPhone was cooled down sufficiently and started working again. It wasn't until later the day, yet, that the bug arose…

Is The iPhone Really Waterproof?

Aye, all of Apple's modern iPhones are waterproof. Here's the official line from Apple on the subject of iPhones and waterproofing:

"iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max reach a new level of splash and water resistance of IP68 for up to 2 meters for 30 minutes and protect against everyday spills including coffee, tea, and soda."

I knew this was the example, and then I wasn't worried virtually running some absurd tap water over my iPhone to assistance its internal components cool down after prolonged exposure to the sun. And it worked fine afterward, and so in this respect, I judge, the iPhone XS is waterproof.

The Dreaded "Move iPhone A Picayune Lower" Face up ID Error…

The first indication that something was incorrect was when Confront ID stopped working, and this is a major event on modern Confront ID-using iPhones. FACE ID is integral to how your iPhone performs; yous need information technology to unlock the phone and make payments via Apple Pay.

A not-performance FACE ID sensor is like having a flat tire on your car; most things remain functional, in a sense, simply an integral function is missing and this, of grade, really hurts the overall user experience.

Initially, I thought this might have been caused by a software problems, and when it didn't go abroad afterwards restarting the telephone, I decided to debug the iPhone. I found no issues and I was running the latest build of iOS. This left 1 choice: restore the iPhone dorsum to its factory settings and start all over again.

Ordinarily, one time the restore process is consummate, 99.9% of problems are done away, leaving you with a fully functional iPhone.

This didn't happen.

I went through the usual protocols, logging into my Apple ID and setting up a WiFi connexion but when I came to set up Confront ID, I hit a brick wall – it simply wouldn't work.

I tried, and persisted, for about ii hours trying to go Face ID to have a read of my face up and achieved precisely zilch. All my iPhone would do is ask me to "motility iPhone a footling lower" which I did until the photographic camera was pointing at my neck.

Perplexed, I started looking for physical impairment on my iPhone.

Had I dropped it and not remembered? Not likely. Just you never know. I have a x-month-one-time as well, and he loves messing with my phone. I couldn't see any physical damage on the outside of the phone. But I did see something weird on the FACE ID sensor. At first, I thought information technology was naught simply on closer inspection, it realized information technology was condensation…

How Practise Y'all Remove Condensation From FACE ID?

I now knew what the trouble was with FACE ID (or, more specifically, Apple's TrueDepth camera) – condensation on the internal lens. The side by side question was how the hell do you go condensation out of the sensor, then information technology'll work once more?

I commencement tried the "rice method", whereby y'all take your iPhone and stick information technology in a bag of rice, sealing it and then every bit to make certain it is as airtight as possible. I left it in the bag for 24 hours and crossed my fingers, however, this method did non work – the condensation was still there.

I read online that, if all the condensation isn't gone after 24 hours, y'all need to exercise again for another 24 hours – and and so again and once again until information technology's all gone.

Being an incredibly impatient private, this was plain never going to happen. Instead, I tried something completely left-field. A few years ago, I endemic an old BMW and its windscreen, regardless of the weather condition, would always steam upward. It was incredibly annoying. Later on an hr or and so of research, I came across a novel method for solving this issue with kitty litter.

Basically, y'all take a sock, fill it with kitty litter and stick it under your car seat. I didn't recall it'd work but, to my surprise, it did – no more foggy windows in my auto!

The kitty litter's chemic composition is designed to suck moisture out of the matter that is plonked on it, drying it out and, technically, making information technology less smelly – it essentially sucks the moisture out of any environment information technology is placed in, but like those silica pouches that come with electrical goods. You can also apply these silica pouches to remove condensation from an iPhone too.

I decided to give this method a endeavour with my iPhone; if information technology worked in my car, surely it'd piece of work with my iPhone?

I popped to my local shop and picked up a bag of kitty litter. One time dorsum at home, I took a resealable plastic bag, filled it with kitty litter, placed my iPhone within information technology, and sealed the bag making certain to clasp out as much of the air as possible. And then I waited.

How long? About 6 hours. Upon opening the bag, I immediately noticed that the FACE ID lens looked normal again. I checked the back of the phone, the rear cameras were also free from condensation every bit well.

I then attempted to re-do the Face up ID setup process and, to my surprise and elation, information technology worked! FACE ID recognized my face up more than or less right away, information technology didn't inquire me to "move iPhone a little lower" and within minutes my iPhone was back to its usual working cocky, complete with FACE ID and a functional Apple Pay app.

Besides, cheque out Do MacBooks Have Face ID?

Richard Goodwin

Richard Goodwin has been working every bit a tech journalist for over x years. He is the editor and owner of KnowYourMobile.


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