
Can You Use Film In A Snap Polaroid Camera

Polaroid is back with a brand-new instant moving picture camera. Good stuff! Merely wait, what twelvemonth is it? Did nosotros slip backwards through a wormhole? Did the space-time continuum rip itself to shreds? Does anyone accept Christopher Lloyd'southward telephone number?

Okay, relax. It's 2015, alright, and a quick glance out the window shows no sign of our planet being devoured by a blackness pigsty. Yep, indeed, Polaroid instant cameras really do exist here in 2015. And what'southward even more exciting than fourth dimension travel is the possibility that Polaroid's latest photographic camera may be one of the brand's most promising creations yet.

The camera in question is the Polaroid Snap, and it looks to combine the best of yesteryear's Polaroid with the convenience and adequacy of a modern indicate-and-shoot digital photographic camera. With a 10 Megapixel sensor, MicroSD card slot, and ultra-minimalist design, could this be the Polaroid we've all been waiting for?

Later on a calendar week with the Snap, we've got the scoop. Bank check it out, and see if this new Polaroid is your kind of camera.

Polaroid Snap Review (15 of 21)

Start impressions are important, and generally based on looks. Luckily, the Snap'south designers nailed the aesthetics. This new Polaroid is inviting, outgoing, and fun. The look of the camera reminds u.s. of the computers that Apple tree was making in the tardily 1990s. And while the Snap isn't going to compete with more than "serious" cameras the way Apple's computers ran confronting their competitor's machines, it at least shares those early Macs' artful playfulness.

And that'southward a proficient thing. Instead of trying to emulate the look of a archetype, serious camera, the Snap embraces its modern and casual identity. It'southward a whimsical device with soft edges, colorful buttons, and a super-elementary interface. It looks new, and young, and it's not trying to exist anything other than what it is. The Snap never takes itself too seriously, which stands equally a useful reminder that cameras be simply to bring happiness and make us feel adept.

This refreshingly minimal and joyful accept on the photographic camera is non limited to aesthetics, but also carried over to the Snap's functionality. Much like Polaroids of yesteryear, this thing is simplicity itself. The Snap eschews needless complications, and lets zero make it the way of having fun.

Polaroid Snap Review (16 of 21)

All controls are logically placed on the meridian of the camera. These include the power push button (which is integrated into the pop-upwards viewfinder), shutter-release button, buttons for switching shooting modes betwixt black-and-white, color, and "vintage", self-timer button and photo-booth mode push, and a push button to add together the classic Polaroid border to prints. These toggle-style buttons operate as hands as can be; button them ON, button them OFF. Each selector features an LED to indicate its current status. Couldn't be simpler.

The back of the camera is similarly sparse, featuring zilch more status lights, a switch, and a film door that's opened by said switch. The front of the photographic camera houses the lens (naturally) equally well as the automatically-activated flash. The underside of the camera features tiny feet to keep the automobile stable and upright. And hither nosotros also discover a standard tripod mount socket, which farther bolsters the Snap's usability in its self-timer and photo-booth mode.

Polaroid Snap Review (14 of 21)

The universal succinctness of the photographic camera's pattern speaks to the clarity of purpose and attention to detail employed past the Snap'southward designers. There'southward zero included in this photographic camera that doesn't need to be there, and the elements that are included are done so in an intelligent and thoughtful way.

Our point is well-illustrated by one of the camera's nigh basic, yet entirely necessary components; the lens cap. Information technology'southward magnetic, and it snaps readily into place every bit soon as information technology'southward brought within a few millimeters of the lens. Not merely does information technology fit perfectly, protect the lens, and expect pretty slick, information technology also immediately orients itself so that the Polaroid logo is dainty and level. This rather minor particular is simply a touch of genius that'south never failed to impress all who've played around with our review photographic camera. Phone call us simpletons, but we just tin can't help loving the fiddling things.

In the hands, the Snap feels pretty cracking. Certain allowances tin exist fabricated on account of the camera's $99 price tag; one tin can't look the solidity of a metal body or the density of a modern, digital point-and-shoot. The entire shell is made of plastic, and that'southward obvious from the first. Even so, the Snap never feels cheap. Its component parts fit together nicely, and there's no substantial flex or squeaking when undue force is practical.

Polaroid Snap Review (13 of 21)

If there's a weakness in the blueprint it must surely exist the flip-up viewfinder and film door. In the incorrect hands, we're afraid these ii components may be problematic. They're both simply a bit besides frail to inspire real confidence, and close inspection shows that each is held together past only a few millimeters of plastic. Scary stuff, especially when one considers the likelihood that the Snap volition be eagerly pawed by young humans who've spent very niggling time amassing money, and have yet to appreciate the work required to exercise and then. Optimistically ignoring these hypothetical impairment points, what nosotros get with the Snap is an instant camera that's of perfectly acceptable build level.

But don't drop information technology. Oh, and information technology's not waterproof. And it's non h2o-resistant. And so while non impervious to the elements, it is incredibly portable, and the reality of its compactness is made more impressive by the fact that there's just so much stuff crammed into this picayune crush.

We're not engineers, merely we're pretty sure that in that location's an epitome sensor, a Micro SD card reader, a infinite for film, an entire printer, and perchance some kind of espresso machine, all independent in a unit that's approximately four.5" x three" ten 1". Weight comes in at an astoundingly light 7.5oz (215 grams). That's pretty impressive, especially when viewed through the optics of long-fourth dimension photo geeks who may fondly remember lugging around the "portable" Polaroids of the olden days. Ah, good times…

Polaroid Snap Review (18 of 21)

Out in the wild, the Snap is a real joy. Its simplicity of operation is a large departure from the machines that near photograph geeks shoot, and it brings usa right back to the center of what made Polaroid pop to begin with.

We're out there having fun. We're not worrying nearly exposure, focus, depth-of-field, or whatsoever of that mumbo-jumbo. In fact, nosotros're barely even worrying about composition on business relationship of the laughably small viewfinder. We're honestly and truly just pointing and shooting, and information technology feels really good.

This run-and-gun style of photography is helped along by the wide-standard lens, advertised upon the bezel every bit a 3.4mm F/2.eight fixed focal length lens. Without knowing the sensor size it'due south essentially a guess as to the equivalent focal length in a full frame camera, for reference. We can say that we're seeing virtually the aforementioned field of view in shots taken with the Snap as those taken with our iPhone 5s (which has an equivalent focal length of effectually 30mm in the full frame format). With such a wide lens, information technology's piece of cake to make sweeping captures and arm-length selfies. For times when zoom is necessary, you'll have to use your legs.

Only we're getting ahead of ourselves. Before nosotros can shoot annihilation we're going to need to install either a MicroSD carte du jour, Polaroid's Zink paper, or both. If a MicroSD card is installed without Zink paper, the camera will simply save the digital shots to the card. If Zink newspaper is installed without a bill of fare, the photographic camera will simply print out your photos. And if there'southward both Zink paper and a menu installed, the camera will (you guessed it) both save the digital shots and impress a photograph.

In years past, when you were running a Polaroid and exhausted your film, that was it. Fun over. Not so with the Snap. Cease your moving-picture show and you've still got a useful camera on account of the MicroSD bill of fare. That's good news, as with a camera like this you're going to desire to continue shooting.


As for the lens' optical functioning, things are good, not great. At that place's some distortion, some chromatic abnormality, and some minimal ghosting when shot into vivid sunlight. These optical aberrations are very forgivable, and maybe fifty-fifty expected given the toy-camera price.

Does the less-than-stellar optical fidelity (something nosotros track confronting when reviewing many cameras) hurt the Snap? We aren't so sure. Many Polaroid fans swear by the retro, lo-fi look that the one-time instant cameras tend to produce, and the fact that this new Polaroid harkens back to the much-loved manner may, in fact, be an asset. Whether or non this is the example volition rest solely with the individual.

The camera performs quite well every bit a digital point-and-shoot. Digital files transferred to a computer or smart telephone testify really strong image quality. Shots are quite detailed in the all-time of shooting weather condition, and even in challenging situations things are nevertheless adequate.

The camera's wink works best when illuminating upwards-close subjects indoors. While its efficacy is express to quite a short range, information technology's improve than nothing, and about comparable to a smartphone wink. Flashing subjects straight-on sometimes results in a washed-out bloom in the heart of the frame.

All this taken into consideration, we're not seeing anything we didn't await. Consumer-level Polaroids take always been on the weaker side of the paradigm quality bend. Simply shot inside its limits and with appropriate expectations, the Snap makes slap-up photos. On business relationship of the digital files, mail-processing can become a long way toward making super-fashionable shots to share online. Instagram hipster points!


Alright, and so the Snap is a capable digital point-and-shoot. But we all know that's not why we're here. Nope, we're all here for the magic trick; the instant print phenomenon that Polaroid is known for. Luckily, the Snap does not disappoint, and it's when nosotros encompass the joy of instant print photography that the Snap'southward star actually begins to rise.

With Polaroid's Zink paper loaded, the camera spits out a 2″ x 3″ print of your shot in but under fifteen seconds. At that place's no evolution time, and the ink-less nature of the procedure means that prints are instantly smudge-proof, dry, and ready to be stowed in a pocket. Or, since Zink premium paper comes with a pasty side, skin off the back of the print and stick your instantly-agglutinative photograph wherever yous like. We've been having a adept time sticking repugnant selfies all over unsuspecting loved ones' personal property.

The whole process is pretty damned magical, simply like information technology was back in the '80s. Press the shutter release, mind to the tiny motors in your hand whirr to life, and in less than 20 seconds you're holding a photograph. There's only nothing similar information technology, and even after just thirty shots we've developed a heartfelt fondness for the rather distinct noises this camera makes when printing our latest picture.

Polaroid Snap Review (20 of 21)

Prints look skillful, though not as good equally their corresponding digital files. At that place's a loss of tonality, and highlights seem prone to being diddled. Contrast suffers a bit, and details tend to get lost. Press black-and-white shots seem to offering the best results in certain lighting, but in other instances nosotros're getting meliorate results from standard color prints. There actually is no rhyme or reason, it seems.

Subjectively speaking, framing shots with the optional Polaroid frame seems to help u.s.a. take the lower print quality, equally the physical print comes out feeling a bit more than retro. It's a psychological mitigation of an undeniably compromised image, simply we don't mind.

Polaroid Snap Review (21 of 21)

The ability to shoot in multiple styles will exist popular with the casual shooter looking to spice things upward, though we would take to assert that the lomo quality of fifty-fifty the standard shooting mode will yield enough unpredictable variance to keep things interesting regardless of the selected mode. This is the kind of camera that gives you results that are just impossible to predict, and that's a large role of the fun.

Before long, shooting becomes infectious. Y'all tin't wait to take the next shot, to hear the print motor whirr to life, and to see what kind of paradigm you lot've made with this humble auto. Before you know it, the Snap feels like an old friend; a camera you lot'll keep forever.

Information technology as well gets attention. Photo geeks and the uninitiated alike all peer with interest, ask what you've got, and seem drawn to the camera. Not-photophiles, especially, seem to get a real thrill when they come across that instant film is alive and well, and the usual questions naturally follow. Given the response in our unscientific polling, information technology seems that with the Snap, Polaroid may be looking at a popular resurgence.

That said, the Snap is certainly non for everyone. To say otherwise would be blindly enthusiastic. In that location are cranky photograph geeks out there who won't be able to abide its lo-fidelity prints, its unpredictable nature, and its "terminal-gen" spec sheet. It's an imperfect camera, built to a price point, and targeted to a certain audience. This camera just won't piece of work for the shooter who never leaves domicile without a xx-pound camera bag bursting with Zeiss drinking glass.

Polaroid Snap Review (9 of 21)

And then what kind of shooter will fall in love with the Snap? We come across information technology every bit a nifty pick for people who are more than concerned with living life, than having the all-time camera gear. It's a photographic camera for kids, teenagers, hipsters and travelers. It'southward for the immature-at-middle, and those who desire to get on adventures, stretch the summer, travel to faraway places right down the road, hang out the sunroof, and make instant mementos everywhere they get.

The Snap is a camera for those who want to forget their camera gear and their worries, and just enjoy life for a bit. It'southward for those who desire to become back to the pure joy of photography. And it's a camera for those who want to laugh, smiling, and connect with the people around them. Information technology's an heady little photographic camera, for fun people.

If this sounds similar you, then the Polaroid Snap is certainly worthy of consideration.

Want your ain Polaroid Snap?

Buy it on Amazon • Buy it on eBay

Buy Zink Paper

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